Home Cronaca Ezio Bosso: music as an instrument to overcome human limitations

Ezio Bosso: music as an instrument to overcome human limitations


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The musician after the intervention in the European Parliament grants himself to the press

After the report on the afternoon spent at the High Level Conference Cultural Heritage in Europe: linking past and future of June 26, 2018 at the European Parliament in Brussels, we focus on President Antonio Tajani’s speech and on some of the special guests. Let us now analyze the speech of Ezio Bosso.

A conductor, a composer, a pianist when necessary as he loves to describe himself, Ezio Bosso intensified his concert activity in 2015 with a career constantly increasing.
After having attracted an audience of over 100,000 people to the most significant theatres with his solo piano recital in 2016, he is considered as the most important classical music tour in Italian history. He has just completed a long series of triumphant concerts at the head of some of the best Italian and international orchestras in his regained role of conductor, after a few years hiatus.

The Italian Silvia Costa, President of the Commission for Culture and Education, presents Ezio Bosso starting from his recent statement that a musician was born by European force, because the musical culture defines Europe and “forces” to study different languages. He explains that the borders do not exist anymore. Music is not just a language; it is transcendence. beyond to other places and to other times. For this reason, the roots are not the center that goes inwards but branches that extend outwards.

Music teaches to listen and to listen ourselves; therefore, a great musician is one who knows how to listen to the different reasons not remaining fixed on his positions, turning problems into opportunities.

Then, he cites Goethe according to which music should help us to rise up, not to crush us. For society, Education to music is a priority for society priority because it creates new generations that perhaps know how to listen to us better than us which pretend to want to be always right, without paying attention to the opinions of others.

At the end of his speech, Bosso leaves the Plenary chamber to indulge in the Italian press.

Ezio Bosso

In response to the many questions asked by journalists, the amazing Artist, a sensitive person of substance and humility he uniquely declares:

Since I was a child I had to learn German, French and English, my little colleagues had to learn Italian, as the implications are in our language. The vision of a musician has no boundaries, the score itself does not have anyone, we go beyond the limit, not intended as physical, but as the focus, implied as a prejudice. A good musician cannot decide that he does not like an author; even if he does not particularly appreciate it, he must forget it. With music, we do not study only the notes but, also the life and the works of an artist, becoming that person. Participation is one of the fundamental values of an enlarged community such as the EU.

In the specific case of classical music, it is the one that defines more the European territory, just as the visual or literary arts define those singularities that then come together in music. Beethoven himself spoke of the importance of freeing music to free people. Schumann said that in an orchestra we all want to be the first violin, but, indeed, it is the fundamental contribution of the last violins to make an orchestra exist.
The director and the first violin are a work of responsibility, keeping the group together and going together towards that common project which is improving themselves.

I have only learned from my fathers; the human part naturally exists in music and should be grasped. I write like everyone from whom I learned and I am small, I simply study and I apply, trying to improve myself. Leaving a score is an act of love, of respect, but also of the responsibility of the other. To make music is not enough; we must believe in music. I am a lucky man, it scares me to think of being a hope; classical music, even in the worst of human conditions, allows us to go beyond it, because it transcends itself, it eliminates the ego, it also makes human contrast overcome.

I deeply believe that the institutions and the media should not be afraid of this music, they should not define it as historical, they should not consider it immobile and unused, but they need to use it to improve society. The discipline that is in the music of our fathers requires us not to stop and always move forward.

Ezio Bosso greets everyone with a very sweet smile and takes his leave. Meanwhile, we agree with the kind colleague who takes care of his press office to set up an exclusive interview with him in one of the many stages of the summer tour in Italy.

For more information on the 2018 Live Summer Tour

Video released by the Press Office of the European Parliament

Ezio Bosso

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Autore Lorenza Iuliano

Lorenza Iuliano, vicedirettore ExPartibus, giornalista pubblicista, linguista, politologa, web master, esperta di comunicazione e SEO.